Dopo due decenni di splendida collaborazione nei contesti più diversi Enrico Pieranunzi e Rosario Giuliani si sono finalmente ritrovati in studio per un progetto tutto loro. Pubblicato dalla prestigiosa etichetta tedesca Intuition, Duke’s dream rende omaggio a Duke Ellington, vero gigante della musica del XX secolo le cui geniali composizioni - tra queste le notissime Satin Doll, Come Sunday, I Got it bad - vengono interpretate dai due musicisti attraverso riletture raffinate ed originali. In Duke’s dream Pieranunzi e Giuliani esprimono al meglio quella comune visione della musica che da tempo ha fatto di loro due protagonisti assoluti della scena jazzistica internazionale.
After two decades of wonderful collaboration in different contexts Enrico Pieranunzi and Rosario Giuliani finally entered a recording studio for a project of their own. Published by the prestigious German label Intuition, Duke's dream pays tribute to Duke Ellington, true giant of twentieth century music whose brilliant compositions - among them the very well known Satin Doll, Come Sunday, I Got it bad – are presented here in a very refined, original way.
In Duke's dream you find Pieranunzi and Giuliani at their best. They express here their common vision of music, which has long made them two stars of the international jazz scene.
L’incontro straordinario di due grandi pianisti che interpretano le musiche del Nord e del Sud America: Gershwin e Piazzolla, Copland e Guastavino.
The extraordinary meeting of two great pianists who play the music of North and South America: Gershwin and Piazzolla, Copland and Guastavino.
E’ stato scritto che Pieranunzi è un pianista con pochi rivali perché ha una qualità rara: un suo proprio suono.
Questo recentissimo lavoro in trio ne è ulteriore conferma.
It 'was written that Pieranunzi is a pianist with few rivals because he has a rare quality: his own sound.
This very recent work in trio it's further confirmation.
Ascoltando questo CD la convivenza Jazz-Classica vi sembrerà naturale e piacevole. Un “ménage” perfettamente riuscito, grazie agli ispirati arrangiamenti di Pieranunzi e al raffinato contributo dei suoi partners francesi.
Buon Ménage!
Listening to this CD the cohabitation Jazz-Classical will seem natural and pleasant. A "ménage" Perfectly managed, thanks to the inspired Pieranunzi arrangements and the fine contribution of his french partners.
Bon Ménage!
The Italian pianist and composer Enrico Pieranunzi makes music that appeals to the imagination: filmic, compelling and with the kind of frivolity you might expect from an Italian. Brussels Jazz Orchestra asked arranger Bert Joris to arrange a few selected pieces from Pieranunzi’s rich repertoire. Joris, who knows how to employ the full potential of the orchestra like no one else, succeeded in adapting these light, airy compositions for the larger forces of the BJO. With soloists Pieranunzi himself on piano and Bert Joris on trumpet, Brussels Jazz Orchestra creates an intimate and layered sound. A top-level European jazz project!
This is a dark and adsorbing and, yes, beautiful record. It doesn't seem designed to make any deep points, yet does so simply by the imaginative force of the playing. I don't know what time of day Haden and company went into the studio, but in some time zone it was 'round midnight. That's the zone they whisk you to.
– From the liner notes by Gary Giddins